The Imam Fainted

July 26, 2017

veggie, lemon and as much mint as you can chop – fab! Thanks Radical Rumbler 🙂

radical rumblings

Tried out a new (to me) recipe today, one of the variations on stuffed, baked aubergine known as The Imam Fainted.

Sliced onion, garlic, ribbons of courgette & chopped tomato all heated together on the hob in olive oil. Add chopped mint and reduce.

Slice aubergine lengthwise and cut 3 lines into flesh about 1 inch deep and lightly brown in pan on fleshy side, turn for a few minutes to cook skin. Remove and place in ovenproof tray, flesh side up.

Pour onion/tomato mix onto and into aubergine grooves. Pour any remaining oil on top. Squeeze juice of one lemon over mix and bake in oven (about 200/350) for about 40 mins.

We enjoyed this with hunks of wholemeal bread.

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Unarmed Forces Day

June 29, 2009

Huddersfield’s first Unarmed Forces Day event took place on Sunday 28 June at Huddersfield Quaker Meeting House.

Hilary Browne of Bradford spoke eloquently, movingly and inspiringly about her recent experience in Palestine/Israel working for peace as part of the Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel (EAPPI).

Her illustrated talk ‘Nonviolence in Israel/Palestine’ was attended by around 45 people.

It was very good to see so many people come out on a Sunday night for a peace meeting.

There was good media coverage of the event including an article in the Huddersfield Examiner and mention in seven national websites including the Ekklesia site – at one point if you Googled ‘Unarmed Forces Day’ this event came up in the top three searches!

Unarmed Forces Day recognises and celebrates the work of people who are using nonviolent means to seek peace and justice in the world.

For more information see:

Unarmed Forces Day event; only 6 days to go

June 23, 2009

Unarmed Forces Day event: ‘Nonviolence in Israel/Palestine?’ 28 June 7.00pm
Huddersfield Quaker Meeting House, Church Street, Paddock HD1 4TR

Marjorie Sykes: local link with Gandhi

June 19, 2009

Marjorie Sykes (1905-1995), born in Huddersfield, spent nearly all her adult life working in India dedicating her services to the cause of new education envisaged by Mahatma Gandhi and Rabindranath Tagore.

Though little known in her home town, there are plans for an event in Huddersfield in the next few months featuring a speaker who knew and worked with Marjorie in India.

There’s a useful short biography here

Video: ‘How Nonviolence Works’

June 16, 2009

An excerpt from the documentary “King in Chicago”. Interviews with activists who worked with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. during the 1966 Chicago Freedom Movement.

Unarmed Forces Day 28 June

May 22, 2009

Unarmed Forces Day event: ‘Nonviolence in Israel/Palestine’ 28 June 7.00pm
Huddersfield Quaker Meeting House, Church Street, Paddock HD1 4TR

Hilary Browne from Bradford has just returned from three months peace work in Palestine/Israel and will speak about nonviolent work for peace there.

Because there is no UN Peacekeeping Force to monitor events in Israel/Palestine the Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme began in 2002. Currently 16 countries take part and, at any one time, an International team of 25 ecumenical accompaniers is based in Israel/Palestine for a three month period.

Unarmed Forces Day recognises and celebrates the work of people who are using nonviolent means to seek peace and justice in the world

Admission free – venue fully accessible